For long lasting happiness with healthy teeth

We do everything for the preservation of your teeth

Thanks to our modern diagnostic methods in combination with minimally invasive treatment methods and high-quality materials, inflammations in the mouth area are treated gently and painlessly in order to preserve your teeth for many more years. Your dentist can help you identify any of these problems and offer a treatment plan and systematic approach to address your individual issues at hand.

We would be happy to arrange an initial consultation with you.

Gum inflammation

Periodontal disease is commonly referred to as gum disease and the number one cause for tooth loss. The health of your gums will have a major impact on the health of your mouth and the overall health of your body. Gum disease can be impacted by other things such as increased stress, the hormonal changes during pregnancy or puberty, some medications, and specific nutritional deficiencies.

Endodontic – dealing with the ‘inside of the tooth’ completely painfree

If a deep cavity causes a nerve inflammation, an endodontic treatment of the infected pulp is the only way to preserve the affected tooth to maintain the full function of the dentition. Endodontic therapy is significant because it is designed to save a tooth that otherwise would have to be removed.


Spezialisierungen und stetige Weiterbildungen, die Anwendung schonender Behandlungsmethoden und modernster Geräte im Zusammenspiel mit hochwertigen Materialien sind für uns selbstverständlich.


Mit unseren großzügigen Öffnungszeiten finden auch beruflich stark eingebundene Patienten einen geeigneten Termin. Unsere Online-Terminbuchung ermöglicht zudem, Ihre nächste Behandlung auch außerhalb der Sprechzeiten zu vereinbaren.


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